Hello dear reader, I’m Can, just a random data engineer & scientist candidate. I have found that creating this blog page allows me to store my work perfectly and encourages me to always be curious about new technologies and more importantly keep learning. Hopefully you would find content on this blog that interests you.

I was always eager to be an engineer from the very first day. When data science became a thing back then, I was that lucky to be able to combine my interests and it was pretty clear where to head.

I’ve been inevitably finding myself coding in major programming languages such as Python, R, and SQL for over 8 years. To keep my projects traceable, reproducible and scalable, I use git for version control, Conda for virtual environments, RStudio projects for structuring working directories, and Jupyter Notebook and R Markdown for interactive computing and reporting.

When I’m not coding, you may find me reading, exploring, traveling, swimming, or sailing. Therewithal I recently started playing Chess and picked up aerial photography again - my portfolio is at ca.photography.

You can find further information about me below or on my Google Scholar, Github, and blog-posts. Also of course you are very welcome to connect with me via LinkedIn.

📚 Education

Research Interests🔎: Stochastic Processes, Simulation, Applied Statistics, Bayesian Network, ML Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing

👨‍💻 Work experience

💪 Skill highlights

  Advanced Intermediate Beginner
Programming and Markup Languages Python, R, SQL Bash, HTML, CSS, LaTeX, Matlab, Markdown C++, Java, VBA
Frameworks and Libraries Apache Spark, numpy, pandas, Presto, pytest, scikit-learn, Tensorflow, Tidyverse, Trino Apache Hadoop, Apache Kafka, Databricks, Delta Lake, Keras, mlflow, Neo4j, plotly, Prometheus, PyTorch, sciPy Apache Cassandra, Bootstrap, Flask, FastAPI, Django, Grafana, Kibana, OpenSSL
Infrastructure and DevOps ArgoCD, Bamboo CI/CD, Bitbucket, Docker, Git, JFrog Artifactory, Jira, Okteto GitHub Actions, Kubernetes, RedHat Openshift GitLab CI/CD, SonarQube, Terraform
Cloud and Databases AWS EC2, AWS S3 AWS DynamoDB, AWS ECS, AWS EKS, AWS Fargate, AWS Lambda, Azure Databricks, MySQL AWS RDS, Elasticsearch, MS Access, MongoDB, OracleDB, PostgreSQL, Redis, VMware
Software, Tools and favorable IDEs Automation Anywhere, GAMS, Jupyter Notebook, MS Office, Netlogo, RStudio, Spyder IDE, vscode Anaconda, Arena Simulation, AutoCAD, Google Colab, PowerBI, PyCharm, SPSS Statistics, UiPath IntelliJ IDEA, Postman, SAP BW, Simulink

🧠 Projects

  • Volkswagen SQA (Smart Quality Analytics) Associated with Adastra GmbH

  • Low Cost Computer Vision AI on Production Line Associated with BSH Home Appliances Group

  • RPA/AI on Quality Control Checks in Corporate Audit Associated with BSH Home Appliances Group

  • Price-Volume-Mix Analysis Self-Service Dashboard Creation Associated with Eczacıbaşı Building Products (VitrA Bath)

📰 Publications

You are welcome to visit my my Google Scholar profile

🏅 Certifications

Can Aytöre Databricks Certified Associate Developer for Apache Spark

Can Aytöre Databricks Accredited Lakehouse Fundamentals

Can Aytöre Databricks Accredited Generative AI Fundamentals

🏆 Course Certifications (over 500 hrs+ of training time)

LinkedIn Learning Certificates

🌐 About canaytore.github.io

This site is hosted on Github Pages (for free!) and powered by Jekyll (which is run on Ruby) using the Minimal Mistakes theme (which I tweaked a bit). Comments are hosted on Disqus, and automated e-mails for Newsletter are handled by Blogtrottr. Thanks to all this, I was able to host this small chunk of my brain on the Internet.

All blog posts are released under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

All opinions and views are my own and do not represent my employer.